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How To Get Accepted To Google AdSense | My Experience

First of all, I am sorry if Google is not sufficiently impressed with your website. Don’t worry!  I believe the fasted and most effective way of achieving something is to model the strategies of people who have already accomplished things you have trying to do. This article is all about turning your blog into your passive income (Google AdSense) with less than 90 days.


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Wait, I will give you my reason why I am telling you this. My AdSense request was rejected in January 2021 and then I did my research and guess what – it worked. Now I have my AdSense approved by Google. So these are the 8 tips I followed,


Focus on Your Quality

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As entrepreneurs or founders, we should be proud of what we are doing, what we create. We must not sacrifice the quality of our articles because – reputation is everything. It doesn’t matter even if you fail to publish 10 articles a month. Trust me, I have been there! What matters is the quality of your work. One best-quality content is more effective than a bunch of average articles. Such articles will help you to reach your next target, that is – Organic traffic.


Organic Traffic Matters

Organic Traffic refers to visitors who find your website using a search engine like Google or Bing. Once they feel that your article is impressive, they will visit your website through these search engines.  Delivering your best in each work not only help your visitors to come back but also it will give you satisfaction. A feeling that what you are doing is right. Believe in what you are doing and make it as good as you can. You need to do something substantial in order to get the attention of these visitors.


Beware of Plagiarism

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It doesn’t matter it is an accidental plagiarism or an intentional act, the consequences are essentially the same.  If you use information from some other blogs or websites, note it down and create a link to them while writing your article or you have to include a link in your draft. This is the best way Google as well as your visitors can identify between your scribblings and other’s writings.

Private Policy Page and Disclaimer

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Add these to your blog. A disclaimer is important because it helps to protect your blog against all legal claims. They notify users that you will not be held responsible for damages arising from the use of your blog or website.

Privacy policy is important because it is required by the law. It explains your website’s views and procedures on the information collected from users.

About You (Why Should they Approve AdSense?)

I believe, this must be the most inevitable part of your website. It is the place where visitors get to know about your company. To approve AdSense, first Google need to know, to whom they are giving it and why should they give it.

So, About Us page is a must do.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate

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SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate provide a specific method of encryption. They assure that all the data and information from the visitor’s side to the website stays secure and encrypted (unreadable) to any other person. Make sure you have SSL Certificate. This will give them assurance that any transaction is secure.

Page Design and Themes

All popular page designs are transparent. They are simple and direct. It helps the visitor to have a clear navigation through your website. Simplicity carries to the extreme becomes elegant. So choose your page design and themes wisely.

Most important thing – Never go for a premium theme assuming that it will help you get AdSense approved easily. It’s a Myth. Just go for a simple free theme.

Never Publish Illegal Contents

Google clearly states that you should never post contents that violates AdSense policy in your website. As a blogger, we have only right to post unrestricted contents if you are seriously concerned about AdSense. So you must avoid prohibited as well as copyrighted contents that are against AdSense policy.

Last but not least, Don’t Quit

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This is the one common quality that all successful founders possess – they don’t quit.  Never give Up. Here, it’s not rocket science. All you have to do is take small steps every day without losing enthusiasm. Provide good quality contents in your website. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. One who fears the failures limits their activity. For me, Mentality is the key.

So I wish you good luck and I hope this article has served its purpose. If you have any further queries regarding any of these, feel free to contact me.

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